Kylie Angrave

Go Blue Day

T1D Tyson maxwell

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a serious and life-long autoimmune disease that affects over 120,000 Australians.

It impacts the body’s ability to process sugar by attacking the beta cells in our pancreas that produce insulin. Insulin helps convert sugar into the fuel our bodies need. Without insulin, sugar builds up in our bloodstream in life-threatening amounts. Multiple times each day insulin needs to be injected into the body of someone living with T1D.

There is no known cure for T1D and it requires 24/7 management for survival.

I'm GOING BLUE to help create the blueprint for a world without type 1 diabetes

My school is GOING BLUE on World Diabetes Day (November 14) to spread awareness about type 1 diabetes and raise funds to support life changing T1D research.

Please support our mission to come together, go blue, and take action on World Diabetes Day. With your help, we can create the blueprint for a world without T1D.