Clint Jennison

JDRF Blue Hair Challenge FY23


Thanks for helping me reach my second fundraising goal!!! 
I even received a phone call from JDRF congratulating me on how well this has gone. 
I'm blown away with all the support I've gotten. Thanks to everyone who has donated to this very worthwhile cause. I can't wait to post photos of my blue hair 💙

I'm going BLUE!!!

I've reached my first goal of $500 so I will be dying my hair blue!!
Thanks so so much to all the legendary people that have donated. I've raised my goal but you'll see me blue on world diabetes day. 💙💙💙

I’m fundraising for JDRF to defeat Type 1 Diabetes

’m fundraising for JDRF to defeat T1D! Once I reach my fundraising target to help support vital T1D research, I’ll be dyeing my hair blue.

Type 1 diabetes can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy.

Please support my challenge and DONATE NOW to help the #JDRFBlueArmy change the lives of Australians living with T1D. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Darren Jennison

Uncle Darren


Linda Jennison


Katie Stedman


Chris Brodhurst

I had you as blue collared but blue haired. Looking more like you mum each day. Great cause.


Ray Commodore


Clint Jennison


Oliver Gadista


My Duong

Wishing him a miracle recovery and have a happy & healthy life.


Luke Jordan


Simon Semrani




looks like your goal has been achieved. Congrats and bring on the blue hair


Garry Way


Willy Ma


Retasha Nair


Mark Gill


Glenn Jenison


Carole Jennison

Go Clint.


Leonie Jordan

Keep up the good fight


Ajita Shah


Ian Lamb

And you can head straight to a live music gig with that hair also


Ross Bowden


Kristy Trappmann


Jade Veillby

Great Fundraiser! Looks like you're just about to reach your initial goal. I look forward to seeing your blue hair!


Pat Jordan


Kathleen Jordan


Vishy Kamath


Hussain Al Nakeeb


Twisha Sevak