Colleen Beveridge

Blue Hair Challenge

I dyed my hair blue

Take a look haha 

My daughter Emily was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 13

This turned our world upside down,  she had to do so much more in her day just to keep her sugar levels right. When doing sport or anything strenuous like moving house it affected her sugar levels as well. I am trying to raise money to go towards research in finding a cure. 

I’m fundraising for JDRF to defeat T1D!

I’m fundraising for JDRF to defeat T1D! Once I reach my fundraising target to help support vital T1D research, I’ll be dyeing my hair blue.

Type 1 diabetes can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy.

Please support my challenge and DONATE NOW to help the #JDRFBlueArmy change the lives of Australians living with T1D. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Colleen Beveridge


Sally Densham

Good on you Colleen :) I love a good cause :)


Dave Cahill


Richard Rose

I don't think u should turn your hair blue. I would try orange or light green :-)


Kerry Elizabeth Tan




Emily Marcos




Maria Nizeti


Colleen Beveridge


Julie Telfer

I look forward to seeing you with blue hair! :)


Emma Watts

Anything to help support Em x


Wendy Donoghue

Best of luck always


Kenneth Ross