Join me in fundraising for type one diabetes research!
Type 1 diabetes is not caused by a bad diet, unhealthy weight or lifestyle choices. It is a lifelong, autoimmune condition where T cells destroy pancreatic beta cells inside the pancreas (a vital organ in the human body). It can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing 180 more decisions a day than a healthy person would to remain safe and well.
In April 2007, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. For a long time I wondered why I was the only one in my friend group and family who had to have multiple daily injections, finger pricks and count my carbs. As I got older, injections and finger pricks quickly turned into pumps and CGMs. These advances in technology have drastically changed my life thanks to research. Although I don’t remember life without diabetes, it has been a life changing diagnosis, but I like to think I’m killing it! I never could have gotten this far without my incredible endocrine team of doctors and educators and of course my supportive family and friends. This year marks 16 years since my silly little 4 year old pancreas decided to turn off it’s main function - insulin production. So, to celebrate making it this far living with T1D, I decided that this would be a good time to have some fun and raise some money towards JDRF’s type one diabetes research. Once I reach my fundraising target to help support vital T1D research, I’ll be dyeing my hair blue.
$500 might be a small goal but to me, it’s something. Any amount of money, whether you consider it small or large will help and will not go unappreciated. If you can’t donate but still want to contribute, you can do so by dyeing your hair alongside me, sharing the link to donate or joining my team and fundraising with me to help the #JDRFBlueArmy change the lives of Australians living with T1D. All funds raised are donated directly to JDRF. If you have any questions about diabetes or contributing to this cause, please DM me on instagram @thandiemarin or visit the JDRF website. 💙
Thank you to my Sponsors


Glenn Marin
Now that you’ve reached your goal you’ll have to raise the bar go hard until you double it sweet well done so far 💕 Uncle Glenn & Meena

Robyn Belton
My gorgeous granddaughter. Good luck Thand, I bet you raise more than $500.

Carolina De Farias
so much love thandie i’m so proud of you for this you’re an amazing human being, i know you’ll raise well over 500

Eli Sims

Sasha & Esther Cuk
Very Proud of you Thandie! 👊🏽

Judy Marin
What a great thing to do Thandie, and you've already passed your goal! You go girl xx

Justine Gannon
We are SO PROUD to call you our friend; our family. Juzzy, Jim and Gussy.

Mum And Dad
Love you and proud of you ❤️

Grandpa And Debbie
Sending you our 💕 love.

You're a bloody little legend Thandie ✊️ All our love -Sharon, Paul, Marli and fam xo

What a great cause.

Denise Donlan
Research is the key for changing how diabetes is treated over the years. Now we just need a cure. Good on you Thandie for kicking off this fund-raiser.

Tony And Wency Clements
Well done Thand. Proud of you ❤️

Peter And Laura Marin
Keep being strong and keep pushing through all the obstacles that are put in front of you. You can do this!

Gerry Kelly

Love ya lots Thand

Amie & Adam
You are an inspiration Thand. We love you. Xx

Kayla & Jackson
Go GF!!!

Keep being your beast mode self Thands! 😂

Love that you are doing this ! We are always full of hope for that cure!

Jess Murphy
Proud of you gorgeous. Always in your corner xx

So proud of you!

Paul Dunning
Best wishes for your fund raising.

Awesome work, Thandie! xxxx


Fiona S
Go Thandie!!

Gai Reckless
Thandie, you are an inspiration! Xx

Laura Dunning

Lionel Pigeyre


Kevin Gaughan

Lilliana Harbeck


Darren Pickett

Shane Mcclements

Penny Giorgi

Kelly K

Saharas Friend

Samantha Boyce
So proud of you Thands <3

Lucy Burnham

Lauren Casey
Love you long time girlie and so proud of you through everything you’ve done

Jaida And Jasper
so proud of u cant wait to see the hair!! 💞💞

Charlie Hart
Proud of you T 💙💙

Jess N

Charly Stergou

Sheree And Zoe Pointon

Kenny Dowdall

Iain Jensen

Cloey Hodder
Well I’m not gonna die my hair blue!! Good onya gorgeous