The Cause

About Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a serious and life-long autoimmune disease that affects over 120,000 Australians.

It impacts the body’s ability to process sugar by attacking the beta cells in our pancreas that produce insulin. Insulin helps convert sugar into the fuel our bodies need. Without insulin, sugar builds up in our bloodstream in life-threatening amounts. Multiple times each day insulin needs to be injected into the body of someone living with T1D.

There is no known cure for T1D and it requires 24/7 management for survival.

About JDRF

JDRF is the leading supporter of type 1 diabetes research in the world.

Our aim is to fund promising, cutting-edge research projects to improve the quality of life for those with T1D and ultimately, create a world without T1D.  

JDRF has transformed the understanding of type 1 diabetes (T1D). We have been part of every breakthrough in T1D care in the last 45 years. We drive innovation, demand action and stand with everyone facing life with T1D. We know research is the key to destroy T1D. Read more about our research here.

We work to improve the lives of those affected by type 1 diabetes in three ways:

1. Research

We evaluate the global research landscape and support the most promising programs from learning, to lab, to life-changing treatments, devices and ultimately, a cure.

2. Advocacy

We help shape government policy and approval for new treatments, advocating for increased access to new technology, research funding and financial support.

3. Community

We provide support for the T1D community from the days of new diagnosis through to adulthood, helping to create connections, offering resources, and sharing knowledge.

Together, we want to see a world without T1D!

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