Dani Barenyi

JDRF Blue Army Jump FY24

I'm jumping for a great cause!

I'm jumping out of a plane to support JDRF in their mission to find a cure for t1d. Jump will occur March 2024

Type 1 diabetes can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy. JDRF is the largest funder of type 1 diabetes research in the world with a vision to create a world without type 1 diabetes. 

DONATE NOW to help change the lives of more than 130,000 Australians living with T1D. Please help me get to my fund-raising goal to ensure I can participate in the jump. Remember all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Valentine's Day Fundraiser







Fantastic cause Dani - All the best with the jump…🙏🌈🦋



Go Dani


Meghan Van Den Hooven


Jelly Bean Comp Plus Donations





Best of luck with the jump, Dani! And congratulations to Eli and you all on navigating the first year!


Lisa Uren

You are a rock star!


Nicole Byrnes

Goodluck with your fund-raiser. You are doing an awesome thing. Thank you from a mum of a kid that rocks diabetes


Tammana Arora


Stacey Dunne




You can do it!