Tom Grey

JDRF Blue Army Jump FY24

We hit $1000!!!!!

I have been amazed by the amount of support I have had so far with my fundraiser! We have just hit over $1000 in donations! Thank you to everyone that has donated to this amazing cause. We are now so close to my goal of $1500 raised. Make sure to keep spreading the word and ask whoever you can to also share and donate. Anything helps! Again thank you everyone so much for donating I still can't believe the amount of overwhelming support I have had! -Tom

I'm jumping from the sky for a cure!

I'm jumping out of a plane to support JDRF in their mission to find a cure for type 1 diabetes!

I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in May of 2021, my last year of high school. It can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. You can literally just get randomly diagnosed anytime, anywhere, just like I did (I was legit in a PE class at school). Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy. I have had so many ups and downs with my diagnosis but I want to show my support by doing this fundraiser. JDRF is the largest funder of type 1 diabetes research in the world with a vision to create a world without type 1 diabetes. I don’t want anyone to have to deal with the mental and physical struggles of this horrible condition, however I want to promote that with some resilience and motivation, you don’t have to let type one diabetes control your life. 

DONATE NOW to help change the lives of more than 130,000 Australians living with T1D. Thank you!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jean Pyle

Hello Tom My late husband lived with T1D for 73 of his 85 years so I know well the daily journey you are on. He was optimistic that one day there would be a cure. Congratulations on taking on the challenge and best wishes for the future.


Rhana Holt

Great work Tom! X


The Mitchells


Claire Simmons

Will be there to watch you do it Tom!


Bron Pyle

Hi Tom - we do not know each other but have friends of friends on common. I was diagnosed at 36 with T1D and not a day goes by when I don’t think of world hopefully finding a cure. If jumping out of the sky is your way to raise awareness, I’m I’m awe. I would be passed out on the way down. Best of wishes from a fellow T1D warrior.


Ollie Grey



Lachlan Ridley


The Wrennys Xxx

Super proud of you Tom. Great job ♥️


Mitchell Zaini

Would be a wonderful thing for a lot of people. Good on you Tommo



Good on ya tommy jbox



Have fun xx


Bill Simmons

Enjoy Tom


Susan Grey


Pat Graves

Well done Tom xx




Mum Grey

You are amazing! Love you xx


Jo Daley

Good Luck Tom! We need a cure for sure :)


Craig Streuderst

Proud of you legend🍻


Mason Smith

It’s only a bit but I hope it helps!



Hope your parachute doesn’t open


Brady Perry


Char Grey

Ollie put in more than me, and i wanted to get you over the line


Kellie Tomkins



ur my hero 🐱


J Murphy

Well done Tom- love your purpose and passion enjoy the skydive!


Alex Rangiira


Monty Pate


Hannah Cheal


Marie Kirby

Good luck Tom.


Jai Hottes




Olivia Barrett


Tarmisha Look


Taylor Cupples



What a legend! 🤟




Kelly Spencer

Well done Tom, you have coped very well and great to raise awareness for a condition that affects many!


Amy Young



Connor Dines



Zeke Whitfeld



Lizzie Reeves

do a flip


Jared 12 〽️

Type 1 sucks! #t1dcantstopme