Kristy Elfenbein

FY25 Blue Army Jump

I'm jumping for a great cause! Help this little duck fly!

Go one, you know you have always wanted to throw me out of a plane!

Well, I'm jumping out of a plane to support JDRF in their mission to find a cure for type 1 diabetes (T1D).

T1D can strike anyone at any time, and 8 Australians are diagnosed every day. Diagnosis means a 24/7 fight with no break and facing an extra 180 decisions a day to remain safe and healthy. JDRF is the largest funder of T1D research in the world with a vision to create a world without T1D. 

DONATE NOW to help change the lives of more than 130,000 Australians living with T1D. Thank you!

On a side note, adult nappy providers? Asking for a friend!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chris Critchley



Good luck, girlie. I hope you enjoy it ❤️


Amanda Cavanagh


Jess Dobie

It's not flying, its falling in style! xx


Alex Dobie

Don’t hit a bird on the way down



Good luck


Amanda Cavanagh

take Cali with you


Sam Kydd


Melissa Kromwyk

Thank you 😊


Empower Menopause & Aesthetics By Melissa Kromwyk

There is a critical need for specialized education and services to support women with Type 1 Diabetes as they experience menopause. By filling this gap, we can improve health outcomes, reduce complications, and enhance the overall well-being of this vulnerable population.


Cassie Shaw


Debbie Warlow

You go girl!!! So brave


Hazel Davis

Can’t wait to jump with you!


Arun Ramchand

Well done!!



Proud of you! xx


Michelle Scuteri

Good Luck :)


Craig And Cheryl E

Go Kristy! Good on you


Dan Buck

Why is sky diving seen as a noble sport? Because it's down to earth. Best wishes love the bucklings


Tiegan Gore


Annie Burton

Take in that view! Have fun, and good luck. You are one Beautiful, brave lady!


Aime, Drew And Family Dobie




Verity Mcavaney

Good luck you crazy girl 🥰


Matk Shueard


Yvette De Ieso

Well done girlfriend!


David Cunningham


Bruce Logan

Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Splat!!!!


Claudine & Lynton

Kristy the Braveheart, jumping from a plane To find a cure for diabetes; such a noble gain Freefall flying and facing your fears Courageous for a cause, inspiring us for years.


Tracy Wright


Kylie Carlesso

Might as well jump, go ahead and jump!


Adrian Ly


Belinda Wallin

Hi hun, it's a very small donation but I am in awe of your courage. Good luck to your cause. Bel xx


Katie Buchanan

You brave, beautiful human ❤️